Social Media & Privacy

We understand that many of our clients use social media platforms for marketing, research and/or day-to-day operations. We reach our primary audience through educational content. Our clients will of course experience direct and documented communications in the traditional forms.

As we all have different styles of business below are three simple clarification on our social media policy and privacy policy.

#1. How we use Social Media

We have limited “in-context” presence for Linked In (business references) and Youtube (marketing).

#2. Direct Communication

We use direct communication via email and/or phone for the sake of clarity, timeliness and business documentation. We use our site blog to provide updates on issues that we deem relevant to our client base.

#3. Privacy and Focus

We remain up-to-date with new developments in technology and media trends that are directly relevant to our business. This means that so-called “influencer status”, “user engagement”, “private data scraping” and “data analytics” are not used on this site or in how deliver our services.
