Music Manager Series Coming Soon

Tony Hinds Consulting is beginning a shared learning series for self-managed musicians and  music managers. 

The series will cover focus on earning in 2020 and managing a musician's rights with the industry. 

Areas that will be covered include,

  • Artist agreements deal points
  • Producer agreements deal points
  • Media licensing deals
  • Publishing deals points
  • Administration deal points
  • Sampling and covers
  • 'Neighbouring' Rights
  • SoundExchange
  • PRO walk-through (affiliation & song registration)
  • Song splits and common solutions
  • Discographies
  • Pitching music
  • AFM sound recording fund
  • Catalog acquisition companies
  • Proactive licensing strategies
  • Sub-publishing deals
  • Meta data and songs

The first episode in this shared learning series will be on how musicians can better understand their rights. If you would like to be part of the series then contact me here
